Theresa was 86 years old and living by herself. Her husband had died 25 years previous and her children and grandchildren had all moved away from Calgary. Although she kept herself busy taking daily walks she could no longer do the things she loved - like volunteer. The only regular contact she had with others was her weekly trip to church. Theresa was feeling extremely lonely and she was referred to Calgary Seniors Friendly Visiting program.
Kelly and her husband stepped in and filled a space in Theresa's heart that had been empty.
The relationship developed into a very special friendship and over time one of family.
Late last year, Theresa was admitted into the hospital after a terrible fall. No one seemed to know what was wrong with her, but her memory was slipping and she began to have hallucinations. Kelly and her husband diligently visited Theresa, even though she sometimes didn't know who they were. To help remind Theresa, they would often bring their dog who she had loved so much. Several months went by and unfortunately, Theresa passed away.
After visiting with Theresa for almost three and a half years Kelly was devastated by the loss, but valued the bond that would never be broken.
"The service yesterday was beautiful. Her son, granddaughter and great granddaughter were there from Vancouver, her grandson from Calgary and many extended family members and friends from church. We stayed and shared our stories at the reception. Her family was very appreciative of everything we did for Theresa and said she talked about us and our little white dog often. It felt good to know we made as much of a difference in Theresa's life as she made in ours. I am sad we will not be able to see or speak to her again in this life, but we are blessed to have had the time we did and I am happy she can now be at peace. She was truly an amazing woman. She will be remembered in our hearts always and we are better people for knowing her. She would often call us her angels and now I know we have one too."